
Klaytn v1.10.2 Release Notes

We are happy to announce that Klaytn v1.10.2 has been released.

Klaytn v1.10.2 contains a hardfork upgrade that results in backward incompatible changes. All Baobab/Cypress nodes would thus have to be upgraded to v1.10.2 or higher before the target block number. The hardfork implements [KIP-103] that is a technical specification of [KGP-6].

The hardfork schedule is as follows:

Baobab Testnet

  • BlockNumber: 119145600 (estimated time: 6 Apr, 4:20 AM UTC+9)
  • Hardfork contents: KIP-103 hardfork (Baobab already applied Kore hardfork)
  • TreasuryRebalance contract address: 0xD5ad6D61Dd87EdabE2332607C328f5cc96aeCB95

Cypress Mainnet

  • BlockNumber: 119750400 (estimated time: 17 Apr, 01:01 AM UTC+9)
  • Hardfork contents: Kore, KIP-103 hardforks
  • TreasuryRebalance contract address: 0xD5ad6D61Dd87EdabE2332607C328f5cc96aeCB95

*You can find detailed information of TreasuryRebalance contract from KIP-103

NOTE: At the activation of KIP-103, the balance of Treasury account will be changed in an unusual way. You can find the change result on the TreasuryRebalance contract.

NOTE: Some APIs (`governance_getStakingInfo`, `klay_getStakingInfo`, `governance_getRewards`) changes their returning field names of `KGF`, `KIR` (or `KGFAddr`, KIRAddr`) to `kff`, `kcf`(or `kffAddr`, `kcfAddr`) respectively. The old field names will be remained before v1.11.0 for backward compatibility.

## Hardfork features

– KIP-103: Implementing TreasuryRebalance (#1803 #1809#1810)

## Improvements

– Extended the maximum transaction size to 128KB (#1733)

– Enhanced voting input validation of governance system (#1767)

– Unified the activation timing of governance items to the epoch block number (#1772)

– Introduced new APIs reading chain configurations and governance parameters (#1783)

– new APIs: `governance_getParams`, `governance_getChainConfig`, `klay_getParams`, `klay_getChainConfig`

– Introduced timeout trigger on debug tracing APIs (#1762)

– Introduced new admin APIs syncing stakingInfo with other peers (#1778)

– `admin_syncStakingInfo` and `admin_syncStakingInfoStatus`

– Changed returning field names from `kgf/kir` to `kff/kcf`(#1789#1792)

– `kgf` -> `kff`, `kir` -> `kcf`, `KGFAddr`-> `kffAddr`, `KIRAddr` -> `kcfAddr`

– affected APIs: `governance_getStakingInfo`, `klay_getStakingInfo`, `governance_getRewards`

– APIs returns old field name as well before v1.11.0 for backward compatibility

– Enables `http` as default RPC server configuration deprecating `fasthttp` (#1786)

– If a node configures `fasthttp`, it will be update to `http` automatically

## Fixes

– Fixed `governance_paramsAt` API to read a more proper block number (#1779#1791)

– Fixed consensus bugs that can be a problem when committeeSize is equal or less than 3 (#1787)

– Fixed unexpected node loading failure after unexpected node termination (#1766)

– Fixed `klay_getRewards` API to exclude remainder in the calculation (#1771)

## Miscellaneous

– Minor maintenance (#1747 #1757 #1748 #1764 #1675 #1768 #1769 #1782 #1785 #1812)